Covid 19 in Aged Care

I’m a registered nurse working in Aged Care… which used to be a respectable thing. Now staff in aged care is portrayed in a bad way.

Why? because residents are getting Covid 19 and they never left the facility – it was brought in to them. Same as Norovirus, Influenza etc. All staff working with the residents come and go. We have families, we have needs, we go shopping, supermarkets, butchers, doctors, restaurants, schools. We do our best. e don’t want to pass anything onto the residents intentionally, nor do we want to bring a disease home to our children, our families, our loved ones.

We take precautions, we wash our hands, we self isolate as necessary – but what happens?

Continue reading “Covid 19 in Aged Care”

Dr Ken Berry

Carnivore Cast – Podcast with Dr. Ken Berry – Lies My Doctor Told Me and Carnivore

Dr. Ken Berry (@KenDBerryMD), author of Lies My Doctor Told Me, is a practicing physician in a rural town in Tennessee and a carnivore himself. For over a decade, he’s been fighting the epidemics of Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes one patient at a time. More recently, he’s ambitiously scaled his mission. Through his writing and videos he’s waging all out war against obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.

Dr. Ken Berry Keto Carnivore Doctor Lies
Listen to the Carnivore Cast podcast on Apple

Ken and Scott dive into the following:

  • How his own health issues and those with patients motivated him to go beyond standard medical advice
  • Lies from doctors
  • The barriers keeping doctors from investigating the latest research on nutrition and medicine
Continue reading “Dr Ken Berry”

The Carnivore Diet as an Elimination Diet

By Kevin Stock from

The Carnivore Diet as an Elimination DietSome people regard the Carnivore Diet as an Elimination Diet. An elimination diet excludes foods in an effort to identify allergies, intolerances, or other problematic foods.

Since the Carnivore Diet removes plant-based foods it removes nearly all potential offenders including problematic lectins, oxalates, alkaloids, salicylates, and many others.

In this regard, the Carnivore Diet is the ultimate elimination diet.

It’s congruent with what we are designed to eat and it removes the unnatural foods that have infiltrated our diet.

However, there is a problem with viewing the carnivore diet as an elimination diet.

The Problem

Considering the Carnivore Diet as an elimination diet implies that it’s a stepping stone to a different diet. And those next stones give me pause.

The Dose-Poison Conundrum

“The dose makes the poison.”

This is a famous saying, and for a good reason. There is a lot of truth in it.

Where this gets tricky is that people respond to the same doses with very different effects. Low doses can obviously poison some people and seemingly not affect another.


If someone with Celiac disease eats gluten, the consequences are clear. They have severe GI distress. While someone else may just feel slight intestinal distress. While another may feel no ill effects at all.

A huge issue most of us face is the insidious nature of these toxins. We don’t get immediate and evident feedback. They are “silent toxins.”

These silent toxins can gradually increase gut permeability, quitely cells become insulin resistant, oxalates secretly accumulate. And then “suddenly,” seemingly out of nowhere, we end up with an autoimmune disease or diabetes.

Fat Accumulation

On average, the American adult gains two pounds per year. After one year it’s not that noticeable. By the end of the decade you are “overweight.” But since culturally we’ve redefined this as the new normal, we just consider this extra weight as “healthy weight”. And then seemingly overnight, you are obese, with diabetes, high blood pressure, and on several prescription medications. (r, r)

The Grey Zone

There is this grey zone. It blinds us. Because, frankly, it’s hard to see.

On one side of the zone, the body handles a toxin just fine – perhaps even a hormetic argument can be made that dealing with some of these toxins makes us stronger, like some argue about the sulforaphane in broccoli.

On the other side of the zone is the cumulative impact of daily toxins. They build up. They do damage below our conscious noticing.

Drink a couple beers and you’re fine. Drink a couple beers every night, and the damage done to the liver is not even close to appreciated.

In one sense, someone with Celiac disease who suffers severe digestive distress when eating gluten can consider themselves lucky. They know the dramatic, immediate adverse effect of eating food incongruent with their body. The red flag is loud and clear.

The vast number of people who eat gluten think they are just fine. And since we’ve come to believe that some digestive distress is completely normal, we don’t think twice about the potential gut damage it is doing. Blind to the insidious harm.

Grains make up over half the food consumed in the world. (r) We are exposed to these toxins on a continual basis, meal after meal, day after day, year after year.

False Negatives

With an elimination diet you gradually add back in other foods to your diet. And if you feel “fine” with them, then it’s generally considered “ok” to eat them.

And since you didn’t have a reaction to it – it’s considered a “negative” response.

But as we just saw, many of these foods are insidious. Eat it once and you are fine. Eat it day after day and you think you’re fine. And then “suddenly” the harm finally rears its head as a chronic disease. It was a False Negative.

False negatives are the rule, not the exception, with food today. We eat truck loads of sugar, meal after meal, day after day, and we think we feel fine. It’s not until we are obese with diabetes and multiple prescription medication do we finally realize that maybe all the sugar wasn’t harmless. Maybe it was a False Negative.

False Positives

Just the opposite is also a problem.

On the opposite side of the spectrum are “false positives.”

This means you eat a food, feel terrible, and thus conclude that food is troublesome and to be avoided. But this can be deceiving.

For example, many vegans have turned to the carnivore diet to reverse health problems. When they start eating a high fat, meat-based diet, they often experience GI distress. It would be easy to conclude that “meat is disagreeable with me.”

There can be a painful transition period into the carnivore diet. Yet this would be a “false positive.” It seems bad, when really the body is adapting and healing.

It’s like after being sedentary for 20 years and then hitting the gym. The pain felt as soreness the next day isn’t a negative – it’s a false negative – it’s a good thing as the body is getting back in shape.

A False Negative and False Positive Combined

Oxalates are a perfect example that combines a “False Negative” and a “False Positive.” You can eat oxalates and not have symptoms (the “False Negative”). But they bioaccumulate in tissues over time.

If allowed to continually build up, these oxalates can form extremely painful crystals resulting in joint pain and kidney stones.

It’s not until you stop eating them that the body can finally get rid of the oxalates that have built up. This “oxalate dumping” is often tremendously painful.

It would be easy to conclude, “when I eat oxalates I feel fine (the “False Negative”), but when I removed them I feel terrible” (the “False Positive”). But that false positive is just the body purging a toxin.

But because the causative source is so far removed from the onset of pain, it’s hard to see that it was the habitual oxalate consumption that was the culprit.

How to use the Carnivore Diet as an Elimination Diet

The 3 Carnivore Levels

In “The Ultimate 30-Day Guide to Going Full Carnivore” you’ll notice there are 3 “Levels” outlined. With each “Level” more foods get eliminated. By Level 3 – the ultimate elimination diet – just beef (ideally grass fed and finished) and water is eaten.

This 3 Level Framework essentially is an elimination protocol within “Carnivore Approved” foods. For example, Level 1 is the most lenient. You can keep foods like dairy and coffee if you please. Then in Level 2 it gets a bit more strict, and only meat and water is allowed. Then in Level 3, it’s just beef and water. The point of this is that even “carnivore approved” foods like dairy or certain kinds of meat like pork can be problematic.


The Ultimate 30-Day Guide to Going Full Carnivore

Whether you are Keto and considering Carnivore or just curious what it takes…

This is your ultimate manual.

After such a pure elimination protocol it’s easier to identify slight intolerances. But even these aren’t immune to the possibility of false positives/negatives.

After Level 3 you may decide to add back in coffee and see how you feel. And you may be just fine, but coffee has plant-toxins, it’s a natural insecticide, and it’s a food that when people add back in, it’s not an occasional thing but typically a daily indulgence. And it’s usually not just one cup…

Again the dose is the poison.

Coffee is a good example of a risky addition because it makes you feel good (potential false negative) and it’s consumed daily. It’s not just the occasional treat.

On the flip side, you may be just fine with coffee, you may handle the toxins with ease, and it may not have any negative short term or long term impact.

The problem is you really just can’t know. And this is the essential problem with viewing the Carnivore Diet as an Elimination diet.

Flexibility vs Relapse

The restrictive nature of the Carnivore Diet makes people hesitant to think of it as a long term way of eating. People want to “live life.” I get it.

So it’s easier to view it as a short term elimination diet to unveil troublesome foods. But there are other ways to implement the Carnivore Diet and “live life.”

Some people use the Carnivore Diet as their “baseline” diet – their daily normal – and then allow themselves to deviate on occasions.

For some people this allows the flexibility for long term success. For others it a recipe for relapse. If you are like me and one bite turns into eating the whole cake, then often it’s just easier not to indulge. I have an “all-in” or “all-out” personality.

For others, one bite can be just one bite. And a flexible approach to the Carnivore Diet gives them the freedom they need to succeed long term. You have to know yourself.

Atkins Diet

I think the built-in “flexibility” is one of the problems people experienced with the popular Atkins Diet. Although Atkins Diet is quite different than the Carnivore Diet, Atkins “Phase 1” can be seen as an elimination diet, and as one progresses, they add in more foods.

They add in addictive foods like the sugars in fruits and the carbs in grains. And people fall off the wagon.

It’s like taking an alcoholic through rehab, and then saying they can gradually add a few drinks over time. They relapse.

In addition, as one proceeds through Atkins Diet they gradually add in more vegetable oils and more nuts. And even if they don’t fall off the wagon, they can still fall prey to “false negatives,” as these foods that they add back in become daily staples that can be doing harm without any notice.

The Carnivore Diet as an Elimination Diet: Conclusion

I think there is danger with viewing the Carnivore Diet as an elimination diet. As is true with any elimination diet it’s easy to be deceived by false positives and negatives when adding back in foods. It can easily lead to reverting to previous eating habits and succumbing to sugar and carb addictions.

That said, it can be a very useful tool for some people. As an elimination diet, it can help uncover the worst offenders. In this case, I’d recommend following the directions as laid out in Level 3 and adding foods back one at a time against a consistent “backdrop” of Level 3.

For those that feel too restricted, instead of viewing the Carnivore Diet as a short term elimination diet, it may be more helpful to adopt a “flexible” approach. While this may lead to relapse for some people, for others it can provide the flexibility for long term success. Again, it’s essential to “know thyself” as Socrates would say.

The dose is the poison.

Socrates also was well aware of this, as he was sentenced to death by just a touch of poison hemlock – a deadly plant toxin in the carrot family.

So if you choose to use the Carnivore Diet as an elimination protocol just remember when adding back in foods, false positives and negatives can trick you. Doses can be insidious.

These are just a couple things to keep in mind as you tailor your diet to you, and what works in your life, for your goals.

Mikhaila Peterson and ZERO CARBS

Posted on December 7, 2016 by Mikhaila


My name is Mikhaila Peterson. I’m a 26 year old mother (and loving it!). I live in Toronto.

Short background on me:

I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 7 years old. My parents think it started when I was around 2 noticing the way I walked. I was the first child in Canada to be put on injections of Enbrel, an immune suppressant. I was also put on injections of Methotrexate. In grade 5, when I was 12, I was diagnosed with severe depression/anxiety. I started taking Cipralex (Celexa), an SSRI. I was on a very high dose for a child, but if I tried to lower it, I couldn’t. That dose increased into my teenage years and early 20’s when my depression worsened. When I was 17 I had a hip and an ankle replacement from the arthritis (that diagnosis was changed from rheumatoid arthritis to idiopathic arthritis). I was prescribed Adderall to keep myself awake because I couldn’t stay awake. Diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia. My skin was itchy, I had mouth ulcers, floaters, and terrible skin problems starting in my early 20’s.

At the peak of my medicated times I was taking:
For Arthritis: Enbrel and Methotrexate, (immune suppressants). Folic acid because of the Methotrexate. Tylenol 3 so I could sleep at night without as much pain.
For depression: Cipralex and Wellbutrin
For fatigue: Adderall to keep me awake, Gravol and Lorazepam to put me to sleep from the Adderall.
For my skin: Minocycline (antibiotic), and later dapsone (antibiotic)
Other: Birth control (seasonique)

I’ve probably taken antibiotics 2-3 times a year since I was 2. That’s almost 40 rounds of antibiotics.

I’ve been on way more than that too. That was just at one point in time.
Anyways, all in all, I was very sick.

May 2015, I stopped eating gluten. I thought that my skin problems that had slowly been growing worse were probably Celiac related (dermatitis herpetiformis). I never had stomach pain so I had never looked at food before. Cutting out gluten maybe helped a bit… But not nearly enough.

September 2015, I went on an elimination diet. I went on it to see if I could control my arthritic symptoms. I could. 3 weeks into the diet my arthritis and skin issues went away. This was unheard of. I don’t have the type of arthritis that goes away.

3 months later my depression disappeared. My arthritis ate my hip and my ankle but I haven’t experienced anything more debilitating than depression.

A month after that my fatigue lifted.

Everything wrong with me was diet related. Arthritis, depression, anxiety, lower back pain, chronic fatigue, brain fog, itchy skin, acne, tiny blisters on my knuckles, floaters, mouth ulcers, twitching at night, night sweats, tooth sensitivity, and the list goes on, but everything was diet related. Every single thing wrong with me was fixable.

Then I got pregnant.

Things shifted in my body and the original diet I followed didn’t get rid of my symptoms anymore. My arthritis came back (albeit much less awful than before) and my depression came back (again, much less awful). I lost the ability to tolerate any carbs.

The following is a list of foods that I could originally eat without reacting. This is a good list of foods to start with for the elimination diet. In order to do this, you have to be very strict. If you have questions, please comment! If the following list doesn’t work for you after a month, you can try even more strict, or you can go zero-carb. If you’re suffering from an autoimmune disorder or you need to get better ASAP (as in you’re dying from what ails you), I’d recommend zero-carb. You can reintroduce vegetables after a month (if you want to).

If you can’t manage to do zero-carb, or the following list of foods, (it makes eating out almost impossible), at least cut-out gluten and dairy and sugar. If you’re a “healthy” person, cut out gluten and dairy. All of it. Gluten is hidden in soya sauce, twizzlers, malt vinegar. Cut it all out for 4 weeks and see how you feel. If you’re suffering from an autoimmune disorder or depression or another mental disorder than I would suggest doing the following diet or doing zero-carb. Cutting out gluten and dairy will help but it might not be enough. You may find that you’re able to reintroduce most foods after the elimination diet.


  • turkey
  • beef
  • chicken
  • lamb
  • duck
  • wild game is fine too, elk, moose, etc.
  • wild salmon
  • tunacheck the ingredients! Get stuff that’s just tuna and water and perhaps salt.
  • organ meat – chicken liver tastes the best I find
  • wild herringcheck the ingredients!
  • wild sardinescheck the ingredients!


  • lettuce
  • arugula
  • arugula microgreens (arugula sprouts)
  • cucumber
  • swiss chard
  • seaweedcheck the ingredients! this is hard to find without soy and other things. The brand I’ve linked to is safe and really tasty
  • cilantro
  • collard greens
  • broccoli
  • turnips
  • cauliflower
  • parsnips
  • sweet potatoes
  • spinach


  • olives check the ingredients! see my olive post. be super careful about which brands you buy here too, many have preservatives and flavours and dyes.


  • apple cider vinegar – try to get the organic stuff so there aren’t dyes and flavours added


  • coconut oil – get unrefined. And try to avoid the Nutiva brand. It’s everywhere but it doesn’t taste as good, and I’ve had ones that have gone bad before.
  • olive oil – make sure your olive oil is pure olive oil. Sometimes it’s also soybean oil!


  • salt
  • pepper
  • marjoram
  • parsley
  • oregano
  • thyme
  • rosemary
  • peppermint
  • turmeric
  • basil
  • bay leaf
  • coriander


  • baking soda (probably won’t eat this but it’s good for toothpaste 🙂 )
  • peppermint tea – check the ingredients. buy loose leaf (David’s sells an organic peppermint which is lovely) or organic. We want to make sure there aren’t preservatives or flavours added. White tea bags or coffee filters are often bleached with sulfites. If you’re super sensitive (dad and I), you’ll react to these. So make sure you get organic tea bags as well!
  • black tea- check the ingredients. buy loose leaf if possible
  • green tea- check the ingredients. buy loose leaf if possible

Alcohol – not for the first month. I can kinda handle it, but lots of people can’t.

  • vodka
  • bourbon and American Whiskey labeled “straight” whiskey

Good luck! If you try this for 4 weeks you should be able to see a huge difference. Then reintroduce foods by having a bite of it. I do not recommend reintroducing dairy and gluten ever but do so if need be. It took me 8 months to realize how sensitive I was, it doesn’t seem possible, but I react strongly to half bite of food. Have a bite or two of the new food and then wait 4 days before reintroducing something else. Most of my reactions (but definitely not all) take about 4 days to hit peak terrible – particularly arthritis and definitely the depression. Skin issues take about 7 days to come up after eating an offending food.

Things to try and reintroduce first after the first month:

  • avocados
  • other leafy greens
  • macademia nuts
  • foods that are listed as okay by the AIP or SCD diets

Foods to always be wary of:

  • grains
  • dairy
  • sugar
  • soy

Foods that I had major issues with when I tried to reintrodue

  • almonds
  • rice
  • sulphites
  • dairy – ouchhhh that was not fun to experience
  • gluten
  • kelp noodles
  • white cabbage
  • bananas – terrible for the arthritis
  • cane sugar
  • food dyes
  • citrus
  • melons
  • grapes
  • onions
  • zucchini
  • soy
  • probiotics – I can’t handle them, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad. Hopefully, after some healing, I’ll be able to handle them too.

My father and my husband have the same sensitivities, and I’ve been contacted by people who also have extremely similar reactions to the same foods. This is widespread. These are terrible reactions that most people don’t realize until they’re gone. What’s the point of realistically thinking about everything bodily that’s bugging you? Muscle pain, fatigue, digestive issues, minor skin problems, the occasional mouth ulcer – all things people ignore. Don’t. These are signs. Good luck!!

To find out exactly how to go about doing an elimination diet please read this (especially if you suffer from depression/anxiety, there are some things you should know before going on an elimination diet).

UPDATE: Zero-carb – for when going down to meat and greens isn’t good enough. Or if you’ve already been on a keto diet or paleo diet and you’re still not better

2 April, 2019 09:33

Ash Simmonds – Decades on “Zero Carb”, High Steaks, Carnivores Creed, and Tearing Down Nutritional Dogma

March 22, 2019 / by Scott

Ash Simmonds (@CarnivoresCreeds or High Steaks on Twitter) is a long-term carnivore, nutrition BS dispeller, science synthesizer, internet personality, and computer programmer. Ash is the author of the Amazon bestseller Principia Ketogenica, a Compendium Of Science Literature On The Benefits of Low Carb and Ketogenic Diets. He also authors, a wiki and treasure trove of ketogenic and carnivore information, as well as his personal blog

Ash Simmonds Carnivore High Steaks Zero Carb Meat Ketogenic

Listen to the Carnivore Cast podcast on Apple

Ash and I discuss the following:

  • Low human interference diet
  • Plants as flavor and not being dogmatic about carnivore
  • Gout going away, weight loss, and joint pain relief
  • Experiments with overeating, alcohol, ketosis
  • Problems with tracking calories and CICO, weight loss
  • Meal timing, circadian rhythms, Bill Lagakos
  • Fat to protein ratios in depth, fat to satiety, PSMF, Ted Naiman
  • Problems with the mass popularization of keto and carnivore today
  • And much more!

Links from this episode:

Amy Berger

About:  Amy is a low-carb/keto nutritionist & writer


Twitter: @TuitNutrition.

Blog: Amy Berger on Keto Diet Blog


Book(s): The Alzheimer’s Antidote  Webinars: Irish Institute of Nutrition & Health  Videos: The Alzheimer Antidote     Alzheimers & Ketogenic Lifestyles  Low Carb Secrets  Insulin Resistance In the Brain, Alzheimer’s and Memory Loss Podcasts: on 2KetoDudes

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