N=1 Zerocarb

Have you heard about this Zerocarb?

A quick overview of Zero Carb…. (Carnivore? diet)

1. FOOD: What do you eat: Anything from the Animal Kingdom (meat, poultry, eggs, cheese)

2. QUANTITY: How much do you eat: as much and as often as you want. No limit. Too little will sabotage your efforts.

3. ADAPTATION: normally takes 30 days, but can last for a couple of months: fatigue, nausea, headaches, cramps, light headedness, heart palpitations, intense thirst. Your body is changing from sugar burning to fat burning.


4. How soon can I expect HEALING: as long as it takes. It didn’t take you only 30 days to feel this way, right?

5. BEEF: Grass-fed or Grain-finished: it doesn’t matter what you eat. Whatever you like and can afford.

6. LIVER?: No, it’s not a miracle cure. It’s delicious.

7. MACROS: why bother? Meat has exactly the right ratio of everything for you. No counting calories, macros, points, etc.

ZERO CARB is the absence of plants. Everything we eat has traceable carbs. But the minuscule carbs in meat or dairy is handled differently by the body and doesn’t cause the diseases that plant carbs cause. Just don’t count those trace animal carbs.

8. POOP: No fibre needed. Rule of thumb: Too much fat can mean diarrhoea. Too lean can mean constipation. Just don’t expect to “go” every day.

9. WEIGHT LOSS: this is all about hormones, not food. Anyone can lose weight by restricting, but it’s not sustainable. Obesity and being under weight is a form of internal starvation. Malnourished.
Focus instead, on your body: joints, aches and pains, skin, sleep, energy, digestion, vision, bowel habits, libido: all of these will improve, without the scale moving.
You will know, check your clothes instead of using the scale. Once your hormones are agreeing with  each other and are happy, you will lose weight. Some people do lose weight quickly.

10. HIGH PROTEIN Diet: No. It a high fat/medium protein diet. If you look on the label of meat, it may show more grams of protein than fat forcing you to mistakenly conclude that meat is high in protein. Protein contains 4 calories per gram and fat contains 9 calories per gram.

11. SIGNS OF HUNGER: Fatigue, sadness, melancholy, mood swings, tiredness, muscle weakness, carb cravings, thinking of carbs. Not having cravings does not mean you are not hungry. In the early days of ZC, bacon and eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you aren’t hungry, don’t eat. I usually eat once a day, in the evenings. When I’m hungry.

12. SUPPLEMENTS: not needed. Meat has everything you need.

13. CRAMPS: part of Adaptation. Some things you have to endure. You aren’t missing electrolytes, you are adapting. Some find eating more helps. Some find soap at the foot of the bed helps. Are you getting enough salt??? Thats what eggs are designed for – to hold all the salt and reduce the cramps.

14. SCURVY?: Fresh meat prevents scurvy.

15. Intermittent Fasting: See hunger… Eating once a day, skip a meal if you aren’t hungry. Let your body guide you. We eat when hungry. We don’t eat when not hungry. That’s not fasting. That’s just not being hungry.

16. Energy: plenty. Not a problem.

17. Alcohol?: up to you. A glass of red wine?. Try AFDs – Alcohol Free Days. Just drink plenty of water… How fast do you want to heal/lose weight/ feel better? skip all alcohol.

18.Water: did I mention?… Drink plenty of water… How much?.. until your pee is clear – up to you.

19.Sleep: 8 hours a day is good.. if it is less, it will come… very important for rest and healing.

20. Meditation: sit with yourself and just let the world pass by… let everything go… put everything ‘down’… watch your breath going out… ‘breathing out’…wait…’breathing out’… don’t count anything

Give it a go, you know what you have to lose… weight, fatigue, inflammation, discomfort…
Give your body a rest at times… eat real food… meat, chicken, fish, cheese, eggs…

zero carbs
zero stress, disruptions, discomfort, fatigue, disharmony, disturbance, disgust…

just ripple your mind, body and soul.