Covid Cooking fixes the climate crisis

Its a strange time for all of us but there are some advantages. I recently read a post on “Lockdown, leftovers and how food frugality is a climate boon” by Christopher Walljasper and Nigel Hunt.

They show that because people are in their homes and can’t get out as freely, they are cooking and eating everything, scrounging through cupboards, fridges and freezers and everything is being consumed. Whereas pre Covid the leftovers were often discarded in favour of fast food.

Cooking with kids during lockdown – Les Frenchy Moms

That option has gone for most people so now we are reducing our food wastage. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates that a third of the world’s food is wasted every year. Forests are cleared, fuel is burnt and packaging is produced just to provide food which is thrown away. Meanwhile, rotting food in landfills releases more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

As a result, food waste is responsible for around 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, a similar amount to road transportation. People are taking this opportunity to adopt less wasteful habits in life after lockdown.

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Live for Less


Why buy what you don’t need? Why choose new if you can buy 2nd hand or borrow? Why throw away when you can reuse? Is public transport a cheaper option? Listen to your inner cheapskate and follow the path to wisdom. And saving some dollars.

minimal, optimal, essential, intentionalism…?

I have stumbled across the minimalism group… the internet world of peoples who follow minimalism blogs and videos and podcasts….

7 Tiny Steps for the Beginner Minimalist - Be More with Less

They all want to tell us there are no rules to follow these practices.. but then you read “the rules are”…?

To be minimalists you need to do this… then they say its up to you. You need to find what fits for you with minimalism, simple living, essentialism and living your life intentionally.

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Minimalism is all about living with less. This includes less financial burdens such as debt and unnecessary expenses. … For many minimalists, the philosophy is about getting rid of excess stuff and living life based on experiences rather than worldly possessions.

Why do I have so many things… ? I looked through my stuff and I had 2,3,4,even 9 of the same things… staplers, notebooks, jackets, pairs of shoes, jeans, bags… you name it I had many, many of them. Excess. Too much stuff. Finding a place to put this stuff.

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Digital minimalism

yes. It’s also the title of a book by Cal Newport. He writes a philosophy for technology that suggest we get off our devices, off social media and live a real life. Technology is intrinsically neither good nor bad. The key is using it to support your goals and values, rather than letting it use you.

Is this weird? No. Do you remember when when we didn’t have mobile phones. We just called someone from home or from work. We actually used public phones and there was plenty of these on nearby street corners. We never needed to be in so much contact. We talked to each other and our partners. We laughed and joked and spoke about things, the world and other issues.

We went out and did things. Family was important.

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Covid 19 in Aged Care

I’m a registered nurse working in Aged Care… which used to be a respectable thing. Now staff in aged care is portrayed in a bad way.

Why? because residents are getting Covid 19 and they never left the facility – it was brought in to them. Same as Norovirus, Influenza etc. All staff working with the residents come and go. We have families, we have needs, we go shopping, supermarkets, butchers, doctors, restaurants, schools. We do our best. e don’t want to pass anything onto the residents intentionally, nor do we want to bring a disease home to our children, our families, our loved ones.

We take precautions, we wash our hands, we self isolate as necessary – but what happens?

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Dr Ken Berry

Carnivore Cast – Podcast with Dr. Ken Berry – Lies My Doctor Told Me and Carnivore

Dr. Ken Berry (@KenDBerryMD), author of Lies My Doctor Told Me, is a practicing physician in a rural town in Tennessee and a carnivore himself. For over a decade, he’s been fighting the epidemics of Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes one patient at a time. More recently, he’s ambitiously scaled his mission. Through his writing and videos he’s waging all out war against obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.

Dr. Ken Berry Keto Carnivore Doctor Lies
Listen to the Carnivore Cast podcast on Apple

Ken and Scott dive into the following:

  • How his own health issues and those with patients motivated him to go beyond standard medical advice
  • Lies from doctors
  • The barriers keeping doctors from investigating the latest research on nutrition and medicine
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The Art of Manliness

Check out this website/ Podcast/ Youtube channel reviving the lost art of manliness. Lots of great tips and ideas, thoughts, and links to great resources, people and books. I love the book lists and prompts. Listen to the podcast – so much great content – will definitely add value to your life. Brett McKay lives up to his motto “Be Useful, not important”.

hobbies for men ultimate guide 75 ideas free time


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