yes. It’s also the title of a book by Cal Newport. He writes a philosophy for technology that suggest we get off our devices, off social media and live a real life. Technology is intrinsically neither good nor bad. The key is using it to support your goals and values, rather than letting it use you.
Is this weird? No. Do you remember when when we didn’t have mobile phones. We just called someone from home or from work. We actually used public phones and there was plenty of these on nearby street corners. We never needed to be in so much contact. We talked to each other and our partners. We laughed and joked and spoke about things, the world and other issues.
We went out and did things. Family was important.
We respected each other. We respected older people. We never took things for granted. We never took things.
What’s the difference? Now everyone is on their phones. Always. At a break time at work it’s not unusual to walk into a room with everyone sitting around the table with their eyes down, not speaking. No it’s not a prayer meeting – they are on their phones. We now say Christmas is a time when the family gets together to look at their phones!

We used to have family functions, dinner parties, social gatherings, meeting where we caught up with people, met people and enjoyed ourselves.
Now we know the gossip about everyone’s baby, dog, wife, husband, latest diet, meal, car without actually seeing them, without even getting out of bed.
Where will it all end? Try getting off your devices. They have an off switch for some reason. Go for a walk, read a book, listen to music, TALK to your family.

Go to the nearest Aged Care facility and volunteer. Talk to someone who has been forgotten, who doesn’t have a mobile phone and who lived a more rewarding, fulfilling life with many memories. Life used to so much simpler… happier? Enjoyable? Hhhhmmmmm….