
a poem by Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling’s (1865-1936) inspirational poem ‘If’ first appeared in his collection ‘Rewards and Fairies’ in 1909. The poem ‘If’ is inspirational, motivational, and a set of rules for ‘grown-up’ living. Kipling’s ‘If’ contains mottos and maxims for life, and the poem is also a blueprint for personal integrity, behaviour and self-development.

‘If’ is perhaps even more relevant today than when Kipling wrote it, as an ethos and a personal philosophy. Lines from Kipling’s ‘If’ appear over the player’s entrance to Wimbledon’s Centre Court – a poignant reflection of the poem’s timeless and inspiring quality.

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Simplifying Is Not Just About Less

It’s about abundance, too

Words by Carl Phillips.

I believe deeply in the power of simplicity. It’s become a passionate subject for me. One I have written many articles and books about. Broader than this, it’s become a framework for how I try to live. Something I am always seeking to bring into my life.

One part of this simplicity journey is about discarding. Finding ways to remove things from our lives. Whether they be possessions, commitments, toxic relationships, or something else we realise is dragging us down. Reduction is an important step.

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Low Energy Diet

courtesy of Dr Ted Naiman https://www.lowenergydiet.com/

A *LOW ENERGY DIET* consists of whole foods but avoidance of foods high in REFINED DIETARY ENERGY such as REFINED CARBS (sugar, flour), REFINED FATS (oil, butter), and ALCOHOL (also pure refined energy).

A Low Energy Diet provides higher satiety per calorie and allows you to store less energy for the same level of satiety, meaning you can eat intuitively to fullness and still lose excess body fat.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (Diet?)

June 17, 2017 by Marty Kendall

The Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) diet is regarded by many as the most effective way to lose body fat while preserving muscle and avoiding rebound binging due to cravings.  

This article details everything you need to know to tailor a nutrient-dense PSMF to lose fat quickly while preventing loss of muscle and rebound binging due to cravings driven by nutrient deficiencies.

To learn more about the PSMF diet and how it really works, read on.

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Can Too Much Protein Accelerate Ageing?

Professors Stephen Simpson and David Raubenheimer have identified what appears to be the universal explanation for obesity – the Protein Leverage Hypothesis. The Protein Leverage Hypothesis demonstrates how our appetite for protein will drive excess energy intake and consequently obesity when the proportion of protein in our diet is low.

However, counterintuitively, they also caution against swinging to extreme protein intakes and have concluded from their laboratory research in mice that high protein diets may not be optimal for longevity. Passionate debate aplenty surrounds this topic. However, particularly since the publication of Eat Like the Animals, the professors have been eager to join the public discussion.

Marty Kendall will chat with David and Stephen (along with Dr Ted Naiman) to explore this topic further. This article details some of Marty’s thoughts as he has been diving into the implications and application of this ground-breaking research, particularly around how and why protein might influence your lifespan.

Read the full article here on Marty Kendall’s awesome website https://optimisingnutrition.com/can-too-much-protein-accelerate-aging/

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

vipassana meditation

Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation.

Vipassana was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art Of Living. This non-sectarian technique aims for the total eradication of mental impurities and the resultant highest happiness of full liberation.

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The Joy of Free Book Summaries

Life is so fast now we don’t have to read a book from start to finish. We rush everywhere, binge watch TV, eat fast food and multitask our lives away. There are so many books out there and so little time. We have the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) so now there are summaries of books we can read or listen to on any of our devices.

If you are unable to handle the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) then here is a list of sites with book summaries. Of course it’s not the same as reading the book. Note that whomever wrote the summary is using what THEY think is important or key based on their life, their understanding, their upbringing and their teaching. Still its another way to learn new ideas and ripple your mind.

These are great for whatever device you use… I use a google chrome extension and send them to my kindle for reading later.

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Karma…it is what it is

Do you believe in Karma? Karma = action

One can think of karma as the spiritual equivalent of Newton’s Law of Motion. “For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.” When we exhibit a negative force in thought, word, or action, that negative energy will come back to us.

The 12 Laws of Karma Everyone Should Know!

1. The Great Law or The Law of Cause & Effect – As you sow, so shall you reap. To receive happiness, peace, love, and friendship, one must BE happy, peaceful, loving, and a true friend.
Whatever one puts out into the Universe will come back to them.

2. The Law of Creation – Life requires our participation to happen. It does not happen by itself. We are one with the Universe, both inside and out.
Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state.
Surround yourself with what you want to have in your life and be yourself.

Karma – “what goes around comes around”… “let karma get the bastard…”
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Learn the Lost Art of Rhetoric

The Art of Manliness Podcast #639  artofmanliness.com • August 31, 2020

For thousands of years, the study of rhetoric was a fundamental part of a man’s education. Though it ceased to be commonly taught in the 19th century, it’s an art well worth reviving in the modern day.

Meet Jay Heinrichs– he’s an expert in language and persuasion and the author of Thank You for Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us About the Art of Persuasion. Jay explains what rhetoric is, why after being taught around the world for centuries it fell out of favor as a component of education, and why it’s still essential for everyone, especially leaders, to learn. The difference between fighting and arguing, and how it’s the latter that’s a lost art, especially in our digital age. What are Aristotle’s three tools of rhetoric — ethos, pathos, and logos —your character is so important, and do an ethos analysis of your resume. What about Cicero’s five canons of rhetoric, and Jay shares a smart technique for memorising a presentation, and thus delivering it more persuasively. Continue reading “Learn the Lost Art of Rhetoric”