It’s not important

A rippled mind.

We think about a lot of things through the day. So many ideas and thoughts enter our minds, cross our paths, come before us and we ponder them, mull over them and make various decisions.

Some thoughts and ideas we don’t really notice. Why? Because we aren’t always mindful of them.  Do you remember the drive to work? The drive home? What did you have for lunch last Saturday? Which side of the mouth do you start brushing your teeth? When was the last time you ate a steak out at restaurant?

Mindfulness is now a topic that takes up much real estate on the internet. There are websites, apps, podcasts, books, courses, classes, institutes, facilities etc all about being more mindful.

What is mindfulness? Being present with ‘things’ now. Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, with curiosity, and without judgment. Why now?

Before now they are memories and anything in the future is just planning and can be changed.

Why is it important to be present now?

Ah grasshopper, (reference to an old 1970 buddhist tv series called Kung Fu about to be remade).

The three greatest questions according to the Buddha are

  1. When is the most important time to do the things? NOW.
  2. Who are the most important people? The ones we’re with NOW.
  3. Which things are the most important? The things we’re doing NOW, to help the ones we’re with NOW.

Everything else is NOT important.

When we are mindful NOW… be mindful of where you are, whats happening to you, with you, at work at home, in the street, at Starbucks, wherever you are… Be There… NOW. Be here… NOW.

Everything else… It isn’t important. What should I do about this (fill in blank)?

Should I buy this (blank)? Should we do this (blank)?

Ask yourself (iii) Is it important? No. Probably not. Does it add value NOW?

(iii) It isn’t Important. Really in the big scheme of things… in life… (iii) it isn’t important…

Look at what you THINK is important… then look back at the last line… really? It isn’t important.